Re: Hiding posts from specific users
I once suggested how I’d envision a forum like this to work well: 1. Whoever starts a topic, decides on the house rules for that topic with a simple switch: “smoking is not permitted” means that all …4 -
Re: Locl feature in MS Word
Activating kerning in Word in fact activates processing of default OpenType Layout features for simple scripts. The fact that kerning is disabled by default has to do with backwards layout compatibil…3 -
Re: OpenType to AAT conversion
There are a number of techniques where a finite state machine (FSM) can be automatically built from a corpus, see https://borjaballe.github.io/other/phdthesis.pdf Since "morx" is an FSM, it…1 -
Re: OpenType to AAT conversion
This is principally possible, but non-trivial. In OpenType, Telugu requires actions done by the font and actions done by the engine: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/script-development/tel…2 -
Re: Plex; IBM's new font identity model
In 1980, the world literacy rate was about 56% out of 4.5 billion people, while today it is about 85% out of 7.5 billion people. There are now 4.5 billion mobile phones and among those, 2.3 billion a…1